Media artist and design researcher with an inclination DIY, informal & collaborative making, and a particular interest in cities and urban spaces.

My practice sits in-between (urban) media arts and design research as a way to critically reflect on cities and public space. From 3D scanning city walkshops to alternative urban futures in Fortnite and digitally skateable urban environments.

I’ve co-authored a paper published in the Participatory Design Conference (PDC22) and my work as been showcased at Zagreb Contemporary Art Museum (MSU), WIP Festival, V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, Treehouse NDSM, MozFest and Garage Rotterdam. I’ve collaborated with, among others, Humankind, Municipality of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, With Company, Extinction Rebellion Netherlands, Baltan Laboratories, Technical University Munich and EIT (European Institute of Technology).

Here you can check my CV or  follow my research interests on I’m also part of the artist duo WHAT A MESS, alongside Hugo Pilate. Occasionally you might also find me screenprinting at Mesh Print Club or pasting a posters in a wall near you as (de)conceptualise.

If you have an idea for a possible collaboration, you can reach me here: pedro [@] | @pedro.gil.farias

Lagares do Alvará (2024) | A subjective mapping of a self-sufficient future for the neighbourhood of Mouraria in Lisbon (2024) | A look at urban commons through sharable mobility services

Satellite Writers (2024) 🔗| Graffiti spotting using Google Earth

What A Mess (2023 – ) | An hyperpersonal archive of 3D scans as a way to tap into narrative potential of the urban fabric.

The Skatable City (2023 – ) | A series of experiments with digital and physical appropriation of the virtual and built environment through game modding and photogrammtery.

AI in the Hood (2023) | A workshop series using urban photography an AI to explore the future of our streets

Young City Makers (2022 – 2023) 🔗| A youth program to re-imagine the future city through their eyes.

Creative Commodities (2023) | Exploring creative ownership in a world of endless imagery, instant inspiration and AI-assisted image-making.

Media Experiments (2023 – ) | Selection of experiments using new and traditional media.

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